Recreating "Still D.R.E." in Kotlin

In this post I’ll show how to recreate a classic hip-hop tune by Dr Dre using my library punkt and some Kotlin goodness for sequence processing. I was heavily using this awesome post to find correct chords and rhythm.

Here is short session with final result:


As shown in the Coen’s video the song is basically built on two chords: Am and Em (with sus4 variant). In punkt to create this progression we must specify the key/scale (A minor), then select the chords using roman numerals (I and V) and then specify chord variants (sus4/inversions). So I ended up with this piece of code:

val scale = Scale(A, minor)

val (Am, Emsus4, Em) = listOf(
    Chord.I.inversion(1), // -> Am
    Chord.V.sus4().inversion(2).low(), // -> Emsus4
    Chord.V.inversion(2).low() // -> Em

When we have a scale and a chord progression we can create a piece of music by calling phrase function. It is an extension function on the scale, takes a list of chords and list of durations:

+ scale.high()
            listOf((Am to 8), (Emsus4 to 3), (Em to 5))
                .flatMap { (ch, i) -> (1..i).map { ch } }
        repeat(0.5) // durations

In punkt the durations are expressed in beats (1.0 is one beat), so we repeat 0.5 (8th notes) to create the rhythm. To repeat the chords and create the melody, we can flatMap over the pairs of chord and the repetition counter and as a result we get 8 of Am, 5 of Emsus4 and 3 of Em, which fills the whole loop.

One more thing is this flam/crushed notes technique - the chord in not played exactly at given time but notes are slightly delayed one after another. To achieve this we can use every function from punkt - it modifies every nth note of the sequence starting from given index:

.every(3, { step -> step.copy(beat = step.beat + 0.04) }, from = 1)
.every(3, { step -> step.copy(beat = step.beat + 0.09) }, from = 2)

So every 2nd (index 1) note of the chord is delayed by 0.04 and every 3rd (index 2) by 0.09.


For the bass (or piano left hand) there is simple melody of A, B and E, and the pattern starts with pickup so it’s like -> A | B -> E | E ->:

val (a, b, e) = listOf(0, 1, -3)
fun Scale.bass() =
        // -> A, B -> E, E ->
        degrees(listOf(a, null, b, null, e, null, e)),
        cycle(1.5, 1.5, 0.75, 0.25) // cycle through durations

To pass single notes to phrase we use degrees instead of chords. To create a pause we use null and the phrase will just fill the pattern with empty note.

We can define this bass pattern as an extension function to play it by both piano and tr808 synth to add more on the low-end:

+ scale

+ scale


For the beat we can use some short samples with bass drum, snare and open hihat:

+ cycle(1.25, 0.75, 2.0).sample("bd_haus")

+ repeat(2.0).sample("sd", at = 1.0)

+ repeat(2.0).sample("snare_3", at = 1.0)
    .chop(config, 2)

+ repeat(2.0).sample("hho", at = 0.5)

The bass drum plays on 0.0, 1.25, 2.0 and 4.0 beats. The snare is layered on two samples playing every even beat starting at 1.0.

You can find all the code of this post in punkt-template repository.